Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Ultrasound Day

So today is the day of the gender scan. Ack. Will baby cooperate?! Will I be able to NOT peak to find out now and actually wait for Saturday?!

Ok, my mild panic attack is over, Bwahahaha. Ok, now for the seriousness of the day. My apt complex has been tryin to find a new manager, and I was told that if they hired one that I would be able to have the rec center for this Saturday's party, which is what I want, since I do not want to have people over since it means cleanin my house more than normal and I am too tired for that, but they did hire a new mgr and since they haven't gotten their act together yet I still can't use the rec enter, so here I am trying to do a deep clean on my place with a tornato named Sam trashing it as I clean it. Ugg. But I will not be discouraged, I'd have to clean anyway since Bekah will be here this weekend. LOL. I am down to just the living room and kitchenb/diningroom. I have to finish picking up Sam's crap then vaccum and hope he stops dropping crumbs until this weekend, then I have to pick up the dining room table (its covered in mail and other paper work and I havent seen it since January or so. I alos have to do the dishes AGAIN! I have found that having another person living in the house makes more dishes than just Sam, Dad and I. So instead of doing dishes every other week I am doing them every week, sometimes more. Oh well, at least he takes out the garbage! Which is the second to last task opn my list, that after collecting all garbage and thow awayable things it needs to be thown away, So I will collect and let Justin handle those details, last on my list is laundry, which is mostly cleaned but not folded and certainly not put away. So this seems to be the biggest thing on my list, especially since I will not be folding until the livign room is clean because I tend to sit on the living room floor to do the folding (it has the most room for stacks of clothes) So now I'm gonna turn on my Itunes nice and loud, turn off Sam's cartoons (which will drive him nuts lol) and start cleaning....any minute now I will, I swear! Ok, maybe in a little bit.

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