So I realize I am easily distracted from this blog lately as unless I have something presing to say I tend not to write. but I did feel the writing urge today so here I am!
So our gender reveal party is one week from today and only 5 people besides myself and Justin have said they are going, now I get that this doesn't accout for all those people that never repond to invites but come anyway, but it still makes me feel a little sad, since a lot of the people that have not rsvp'd had said how exciting it would be. But oh well, whether there are 4 people or 40 this will still be so much fun for me. I really want to hare this with everyone.
So I have made my list of foods that will be there and have all ther ingrdients that wont go bad by next week, and cant wait for next Friday when Bekah will be down and our group baking session will start. Making cupcakes with my friends is alway a blast. Also I will be attempting to make potato salad all by myself that day so it will also be exciting to see how that goes. lol. I'm thinking of making a test run today after work to see if I should bother! I've never been good at the whole potato timing thing, but I'm hoping I have improved in the oh, 4 yrs since the last time I tried. I also created my facebook event for my babyshower, even though I have not invited anyone yet, I just wanted to set it up and have it there so that I could have it the way I wanted and not forget >.< I tend to do that, a lot.
So after we find out our baby's gender next Sateruday *fingers crossed for girl* LOL, we are going to dinner with Bekah and her man Brent, which i always fun since Brent is a riot and well, Bekah is Bekah which means I have never not had a blast with her :D. I just like spending time with my friends and I havent gotten to go out like that since we went to see them in February.
Alright, I am off to try to figure out a food that sounds good besides bacon (BAAAACON!!!) since we are all out and I am not going to the store to buy it, then coming home, waking up Justin and trying to convince him to cook it 9again I CANNOT cook bacon right for the life of me) all beforee trying to make it to work on time. Maybe just a smoothie today, though I am still craving some tuna with pickles, mmm, but alass this is also something I have to go to the store for.... Ok random food rabbit trail done. Have a good day all.
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