Wednesday, March 21, 2012

To tell or not to tell

Ok, so most people know, however my new job does not. I applied before I got pregnant but by the time the whole process was through I was knocked up. (sounds like a bad movie) Any way, due to a severe family history of miscarriage I am hestent to tell them and get them all worked up about it only to tell them it was all for not, so do I tell them? When DO I tell them? I mean I will have to tell them sometime, hello. Since I recently hit the worst part of pregnancy, which is late first trimester early second when I start fainting. gotta love it. It is from lack of proper nutrition, which lets face it is impossible when you are throwing up EVERYTHING you consume, also I am (hopefully) at the tail end of my morning sickness, so when I say, "I have to use the restroom" Im really saying "I have to yack" but I got a warning today about my excessive use of the rest room, yup, only Im not really peeing but I cant tell them THAT either. So tomorrow is my next appt at 12 wks WOO! So I should be in the clear after this one to tell them, IF I choose to, at this point I feel dishonest NOT telling them, and I can only excuse it with my worry over miscarriage for so long. Thus my dilemma, Do I tell them now or wait? If I wait, how long should I wait? I think I'll ask my doc tomorrow, she seems smart (LOL, dont mind my extreme sarcasim tonight, I'm beat) and hopefully she will know what I should do, if not, Ill take aside the person in charge explain my dilemma, SHE needs to know, but NO ONE else does. Are women even biologically able to keep secrets? Im serious, I found out I was prego and called my best friend, I told her before I even told my boyfriend, I don't think he minds but who knows.

Alright, enough dilemma-ing for one night, Im gonna try to fall asleep before I yack again (this is my new favorite term if you cannot tell) and hope that I feel better in the morning ( I seem to be suffering from evening sickness now more than anything.

Good night cyber space, since I know no one is reading this, lol.

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